***At this time Record Book Contest is discontinued***
Record Book
1. 4-H or FFA exhibitors have the option of turning in an Official 4-H or FFA County Record Book for judging purposes only.2. No record books will be accepted/judged without required signatures.3. Exhibitors are responsible to get their own county record books. You can pick up a county record book at the extension offices or from your FFA/4-H advisor.4. There is only one acceptable 4-H County Record Book for judging: Official 4-H County Record Book5. Only completed Official County 4-H Record books and FFA Record books will be judged for awards. Awards will be given to the grand and reserve champion record books in the junior, intermediate, senior and FFA divisions.6. Record books will be accepted during office hours on Wednesday, August 31st at the Benton or Franklin County Extension Office or to Heidi Shattuck at Connell High School.
1) Judges overall evaluation a) Record book needs to be in a three ring binder or green 4-H cover b) Neat and legible c) Record book is complete, all information is included d) Required signatures2) Goals and Plans a) Includes a goal for things to do/learned this year, should be complete, realistic, and in proportion to years in project and age b) Signatures needed3) Calendar a) Record of all club and project activities – if there weren’t any, write NONE b) Events attended underlined (or box marked)4) Monthly Expenses/Income a) If there were no expenses/income write NONE and $0.00 b) If there was no project activity during the month, there will not be any expenses c) This is where you will list your cost of feed, animal, and anything else you purchased for your project5) Project Activity for Each Month a) This will be notes showing involvement with your project b) If there was no activity write NONE6) Project Photos a) Two photos required – needs to have a caption and date 7) Yearly Inventory a) List all items you have for your project (including your animals) b) DO NOT list feed here8) Total Yearly Expenses/Income a) Totals for the month of September should be in pencil b) The total (at the bottom of the page) for expenses and income should be in pencil c) If there are months with no expenses or income write $0.00 d) For profit/loss total (at the bottom of the page) write TBD in pencil (to be determined) e) Make sure that you have completed the meeting attendance record at the bottom of the page9) Large Animal Project a) This is an add sheet b) One picture of your project is required (captioned and dated)10) Health Record (Copy only) – available at www.animalag.wsu.edu/Youth%20Producers a) This is an add sheet b) Make sure it is complete c) Signatures are required11) Show Record
12) 4-H Presentation, Judging, & Contests
13) Project Highlights
14) Educational Events
15) Leadership Responsibilities
16) Community Service Projects
17) Other Events
18) Non 4-H Activities
19) 4-H Story a) Introduction of member b) Project story c) 4-H Participation d) Influence 4-H has had on member20) One last statement for the year a) Include your most significant accomplishments for the year b) All signatures requiredRECORD BOOKS WITHOUT SIGNATURES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED/JUDGED
1) Judges Overall Evaluation a) Record book to be in a folder b) Neat and Legible (typed or handwritten) c) Record book is complete, all information is included2) Required Pages a) Cover Page b) Agreement for SAE Project c) Two pictures d) Beginning and Ending Inventory e) Beginning and Ending Net Worth Statement f) Expense and Income g) Work Experience (optional) h) ActivitiesRECORD BOOKS WITHOUT SIGNATURES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED/JUDGED
1) Judges overall evaluation a) Record book needs to be in a three ring binder or green 4-H cover b) Neat and legible c) Record book is complete, all information is included d) Required signatures2) Goals and Plans a) Includes a goal for things to do/learned this year, should be complete, realistic, and in proportion to years in project and age b) Signatures needed3) Calendar a) Record of all club and project activities – if there weren’t any, write NONE b) Events attended underlined (or box marked)4) Monthly Expenses/Income a) If there were no expenses/income write NONE and $0.00 b) If there was no project activity during the month, there will not be any expenses c) This is where you will list your cost of feed, animal, and anything else you purchased for your project5) Project Activity for Each Month a) This will be notes showing involvement with your project b) If there was no activity write NONE6) Project Photos a) Two photos required – needs to have a caption and date 7) Yearly Inventory a) List all items you have for your project (including your animals) b) DO NOT list feed here8) Total Yearly Expenses/Income a) Totals for the month of September should be in pencil b) The total (at the bottom of the page) for expenses and income should be in pencil c) If there are months with no expenses or income write $0.00 d) For profit/loss total (at the bottom of the page) write TBD in pencil (to be determined) e) Make sure that you have completed the meeting attendance record at the bottom of the page9) Large Animal Project a) This is an add sheet b) One picture of your project is required (captioned and dated)10) Health Record (Copy only) – available at www.animalag.wsu.edu/Youth%20Producers a) This is an add sheet b) Make sure it is complete c) Signatures are required11) Show Record
12) 4-H Presentation, Judging, & Contests
13) Project Highlights
14) Educational Events
15) Leadership Responsibilities
16) Community Service Projects
17) Other Events
18) Non 4-H Activities
19) 4-H Story a) Introduction of member b) Project story c) 4-H Participation d) Influence 4-H has had on member20) One last statement for the year a) Include your most significant accomplishments for the year b) All signatures requiredRECORD BOOKS WITHOUT SIGNATURES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED/JUDGED
1) Judges Overall Evaluation a) Record book to be in a folder b) Neat and Legible (typed or handwritten) c) Record book is complete, all information is included2) Required Pages a) Cover Page b) Agreement for SAE Project c) Two pictures d) Beginning and Ending Inventory e) Beginning and Ending Net Worth Statement f) Expense and Income g) Work Experience (optional) h) ActivitiesRECORD BOOKS WITHOUT SIGNATURES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED/JUDGED