CBJLS Rules & Regulations
Exhibitor Premium Book
A physical copy of the exhibitor book is available at tag days as well as in the market stock office.
RULE 1: All ShoWorks Livestock Registration Entries are required by the Saturday prior tag day. All Camping Registrations fees are DUE on July 15th. Exhibitor Entries and Camping Registrations WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED ONLINE at www.cbjls.org No monies will be collected on any tag days. If you wish to order logo wear items, our vendor has an on-line store at http://shop.connellwa.com Please be advised that this site will have a specific deadline for ordering items. Once your order is placed, you can pick it up in the Livestock Office as early as Wednesday, animal weigh-in day. A $45.00 non-refundable registration exhibitor fee is assessed per exhibitor and will be collected online with the Exhibitor Entries. Beef exhibitors registration fee is $50.00 due to a branding fee. This exhibitor fee covers the cost of provided bedding for pens, evening entertainments, Saturday evenings BBQ dinner, and payment of Pork, Beef and Lamb Checkoff Dollars. We are a non-profit group with no state or county funding.
RULE 2: All entries are accepted with understanding that neither the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show organization, nor the sponsors, nor their officers, shall be held responsible for any damages or loss that may arise. If any animal is condemned by the packer, the loss will be borne by the exhibitor. All veterinary expenses incurred are the responsibility of the exhibitor. Brand fees will be passed onto exhibitor and fee will be taken from the sale check.
RULE 3: The livestock committee and management reserves the right to reject or remove any entry for reason deemed sufficient. Animal must be healthy and free of illness. Animals must be bathed and reasonably clean upon arrival at the show. Show officials also have the right to perform random drug testing of the livestock.
RULE 4: Entries are open to any regularly enrolled FFA, 4-H and Grange Club member in good standing, i.e. academic requirements, participation requirements, prior discipline problems, etc…
¨ Members of the FFA must be regularly enrolled in livestock project work with the State Supervisor of Agricultural Education and livestock must be owned by established ownership dates.
¨ Members of 4-H Clubs must be regularly enrolled in livestock project, be a member in good standing according to the Washington State 4-H Policy & Procedure Handbook, and livestock must be owned by established ownership dates.
¨ Members of Grange Clubs must be regularly enrolled in livestock project, be a member in good standing according to the Washington State Grange Program, and livestock must be owned by established ownership dates.
RULE 5: To be eligible to compete in the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show you must be currently enrolled in 4-H in the participating counties and shall terminate after the exhibitor has reached the maximum age of 19 years old as of 10/1 the previous year.
Those exhibiting as an FFA member must have completed an approved agricultural education course and are members of a chartered FFA chapter under the supervision of an FFA advisor. Those exhibiting for Grange must be members of a Grange within the county boundries and in good standing.
RULE 6: Exhibitors particiapting in CBJLS must reside in Franklin, Benton, or Adams counties or within the boundaries of the Columbia (Burbank) School District in Walla Walla county.
RULE 7: Only one animal per exhibitor will be eligible to show and sell. The exhibitor is required to show/sell his or her own animal. Extenuating circumstances must be approved by their respective barn superintendent and be within the boundaries of our policy and within the non-discrimination clause. This does include youth with broken bones, wheel chair bound, etc.
RULE 8: Any animal, which has been exhibited in any show and purchased from said show, shall be ineligible to compete in the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show.
RULE 9: All exhibitors attending the Show must be under the direction of a FFA Advisor, 4-H Club or Grange Leader. Those exhibitors that are participants in the Show must be under the immediate supervision of a responsible adult. Curfew is at 11:00 p.m.
RULE 10: Each exhibitor must take care of and exhibit his own animal unless excused by the barn superintendent for reasons that are deemed sufficient. The exhibitor will be responsible for the care and cleanliness of the pens, stalls & tack area, feeding & watering of his/her animal in a timely manner or he/she will not be allowed in the sale. All animals must be clean on arrival. He/she must also prepare his animal for use in the livestock judging contest on request of the contest superintendent, or forfeit his/her entries and all rights and privileges of the show. The exhibitor must obtain a stall card from the show office at time of registration and the card must be properly filled out and tacked up by the stall or pen. Sheep and swine exhibitors will furnish their own kick boards. Kick boards and pens sizes are 58.5″ square for lambs; 5′ x 4′ x 4′ high for swine with a kickboard length of 44″. Every club or chapter exhibit must be identified with a banner or sign. All tack areas must have a club or chapter name visibly posted. All stalls, tack area, bedding, etc., must be removed, or all premium money will be withheld. LEAVE IT BETTER THAN YOU FOUND IT.
RULE 11: Superintendents shall have authority over all matters within their respective departments, subject to Board approval. Any protest must be made in writing and presented to the Executive Board and Department of Superintendents of the show within twelve (12) hours after the occurrence of the incident. The Board rulings shall in all cases be final.
RULE 12: THERE WILL BE NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON THE GROUNDS. Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show is on North Franklin School District Property, which prohibits possession and use of alcoholic beverages, drugs, marijuana, marijuana products, electronic cigarettes or alcohol at any 4-H related event including youth. The WSU Extension 4-H Youth Development Program strictly enforces State of Washington laws regarding alcohol and does not tolerate the illegal use, possession or sale of intoxicating beverages, minors in possession, furnishing alcohol to minors, possession of open containers, driving under the influence, and exhibiting unruly or intoxicated behavior. In addition, the program policy does not permit any form of advertising of tobacco, marijuana, or spirit or beer products, including clothing, at any 4-H related event involving youth.
RULE 13: Any FFA, 4-H or Grange member, parent or supervising adult guilty of misconduct, i.e., destruction of property, boisterous conduct, profane language, etc…, may have his/her stock withdrawn from the show/sale and both sent home. Members of the judging teams and other members of the FFA, Grange or 4-H clubs visiting the show, upon misconduct, may disqualify their team from any winnings or placing which they may receive; also, such members will be sent home.
RULE 14: State Health Requirements: Washington livestock require no vaccinations or tests for entry. Individual Veterinarian health certificates are not required for entry with the exception of all species purchased out of state; please see each species rules in regards to this. The Show Veterinarian will inspect all livestock for symptoms of infections, contagious and communicable disease and will reject unhealthy animals from entry. Any animal may be removed from the Show at any given time by Show Veterinarian or Superintendent at the expense of the exhibitor. No animals from any quarantined area or premises will be permitted to enter the show. A veterinarian will be at the show in accordance with state regulations.
RULE 15: Facilities at the show will be open to receive livestock on September 9th; swine at 1:00-6:00pm, sheep at 3:30-6:00pm, beef at 5:00-7:00pm. All exhibits must be on the grounds no later than their said times. THERE WILL BE NO RE-WEIGHS OF ANY SPECIES OF ANIMALS. ANIMALS WILL BE WEIGHED OFF THE TRUCK.
RULE 16: A 5% charge will be made on the gross sales and any additional add-ons of all livestock sold to help defray the expenses of the Show.
RULE 17: Shavings will be furnished by the Show, for all livestock shown. Use what is needed, but do not waste it.
RULE 18: No skateboards, scooters, bikes, personal golf carts, 4-wheelers, ATVs are allowed on the grounds.
RULE 19: Selection of Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion will take place in the show arena. The sale order will be Swine, Sheep, Beef. In the following years, the order will alternate with the first going to last and the second becoming the first in order.
RULE 20: Classifications of market lambs, swine, and steers will be done by weight.
RULE 21: All exhibitors must register for BOTH Market and Showmanship classes. Non-participants will constitute loss of all registration fees, awards and sale privileges. Exhibitors must Fit & Show their own animal as well as walk their animal through the sale ring in order to receive premium & sale commissions.
RULE 22: Exhibitors will be allowed to tag two (2) animals of the same species; but show and sell only one (1) animal total. One animal must be registered in an individual exhibitor’s name. A second animal can be registered in an individual’s name or as a family alternate animal, listing it on each entry form of each family member. There will be no substitutions, only animals registered/tagged for Columbia Basin Junior Livestock show will be eligible.
RULE 23: Once an animal has been sold and turned, the animal will be shipped to the packer. Any deductions or premiums received from the packers will be passed along to the exhibitor. Any fees assessed during brand inspection will be passed along to exhibitor.
RULE 24: Money from the sale of any animal, resold as a memorial or benefit, shall revert back to the Livestock Show Fund.
RULE 25: An appropriate dress code will be adhered to throughout the Show. Acceptable attire must be worn into the ring while showing your animal.
4-H: Clean clothes, face washed, hair combed, no open toed shoes, no tank tops or shorts.FFA: Official dress including black pants, white collared shirt with scarf or tie, FFA jacket and appropriate shoes.GRANGE: Clean clothes, face washed, hair combed, appropriate closed toe shoes, Grange emblem shall be worn on the left chest or on the right sleeve. RULE 26: All payments will be made payable only to the REGISTERED EXIBITOR listed on their entry form. Checks will not be made payable to parents. If a loan was taken out with FSA, they will be listed as a co-payee on the check. Checks must be cashed within 60 days after issue. Checks will be reissued with assessed feeds up until September 1st of the next show year. Any checks not cashed will be donated back to the CBJLS organization.
Steer Division – Ownership of animal is March 1st
1. Exhibitors will be allowed to tag two (2) steers at the designated Spring Weigh In/Tag Day. Suggested maximum weight at the Spring Weigh In/Tag Day is 950 lbs.2. At time of show, steers weighing less than 1,150 pounds scale weight will not be allowed to compete. Exhibitors will be only allowed to show one steer. No heifers, stags or bulls will be allowed. No horn growth over 2” will be allowed.3. Each steer must be accompanied by a certificate of Permit-Haul slip.4. If purchased, each steer must be accompanied by a brand inspection certificate OR a signed and dated bill of sale showing transfer of ownership from breeder to exhibitor. If raised by the exhibitor, each steer must be accompanied by (1) Haul Slip. 5. On weigh-in day, each steer must be accompanied with completed Tyson Supplier paperwork, found on our website under “Forms”.6. No steer will be allowed in the show that did not attend the designated weigh-in day and was not tagged that day. We will accept steers with a Benton-Franklin tag in it.7. Each steer must be tied with a neck rope in addition to a halter.8. Market classes will be determined by weight and numbers, not by height. Order will be posted by the Superintendent.9. Steers will be shrunk 3% as they are weighed off the truck. Any steer that is unloaded prior to weigh-in time will be shrunk an additional 5%.10. Each exhibitor will be required to pay a branding fee of $5.00 of which is included in their exhibitor entry fee.11. Display structures must be provided by exhibitor. No displays or tack areas are allowed to be removed until Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m.12. Grooming stations needs to be identified.13. If you purchased an out of state steer, you must have a Veterinarian Inspection Report and show it on tag day.14. Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a required certification for all beef exhibitors. Swine Division – Ownership of animal is June 1st
1. Before entering, refer to the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Rules & Regulations.2. Hogs should remain home for tagging, but you must come to Tag Day to pick up tags and fill out our form. 3. Registration form must include a 15 digit 840 number, an origination number from the breeder. Also, if you purchased your hog from out of state, you will need to turn in a certificate of veterinary inspection stating that your swine does not have, nor has it been exposed to the PED virus. This is required to be turned in on Tag Day.4. Tags need to be put in the pigs ear ASAP. Random ear tag verification farm visits will go into effect following tag day.5. It is preferable to put the tag in the right ear of the hog. Tags should be applied in the middle third of the ear between the upper and lower ribs. It is important to apply the tag with the visual panel (male portion) of the tag on the outside back of the ear with the button (female portion) of the tag on the inside of the ear.6. Exhibitors may tag two (2) pigs per exhibitor, but they are limited to show only one (1) swine. Exhibitors are required to show/sell one of the hogs they tagged. No swapping of hogs will be allowed. If you lose a tag, please contact one of us in the Swine Department RIGHT AWAY!7. Pen sizes are 5′ deep x 4′ wide x 4′ high and 44″ wide for kickboards. Display structures must be provided by exhibitor. All displays must be completed by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. – before weighing in your hog.8. Swine will be weighed once off the truck. The scale weight will be the sale weight. There will be no pencil shrink on swine.9. Swine must weight at least 235 pounds with a maximum of 295 pounds.10. At weigh-in, exhibitor must have a completed Health record for their hog. 11. Hogs may only have the ears and tails shaved. If hogs are found to be body shaved, or oiled upon arrival of the show, they will be sent home immediately. Hair must be a minimum of 3/4 inch hair long. No electrical cords in the barn.12. At the discretion of the Management, any hog will be disqualified from the show if it shows evidence of pigginess, scars, hernia, foul sheath, sores or bruises, and any blemish that seriously impairs the carcass. No boars will be permitted in the show.13. For overall cleanliness and the safety of animals, all feed in tack areas must be in enclosed containers or sacks.14. No displays or tack areas are allowed to be removed until Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. Pens must be cleaned out completely including tipping them up to sweep up the shavings underneath them. Lamb Division – Ownership of Lamb is June 1st
1. Lambs to be exhibited must have been born after January 1 of this year to be eligible to compete. Rams will be disqualified. No short scrotum lambs will be allowed to show.2. Exhibitors are limited to show and sell one (1) market lamb.3. Lambs must weigh at least 110 pounds with a maximum of 160 pounds.4. Lambs are required to be slick shorn and must be shorn within 10 days of the show. Animals can be refused or demoted in Market and Showmanship class as deemed appropriate.5. Lambs must be tagged on designated tag day. NO EXCEPTIONS. Exhibitors may tag two (2) lambs. There will be no pencil shrink at the time of show weigh-in.6. Lambs are allowed to be fully washed at the show.7. Lamb’s breeder name, address and signature are required on the submitted Health Record. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to provide this information at the time of weigh-in.8. ALL LAMBS must have a scrapies ear tag or tattoo. All breeders’ information must include a USDA Scrapies Flock number.9. We recommend two (2) vertebras on the lamb’s tail length to help prevent prolapse. Animal health is of the utmost importance and the packer has the right to refuse the animal, if this happens, the exhibitor will get sale proceeds minus the floor price.10. Display structures must be provided by exhibitor. Pen sizes are 58.5" square, exhibitor must supply kick boards for all sides.11. No displays or tack areas are allowed to be removed until Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. Tear down of pens is 6:00-8:00 a.m.12. Exhibitors are required to bring their own grooming stands. No grooming stands are provided by CBJLS. Grooming stations need to be identified.13. If tagging an out of state lamb, the exhibitor must submit a copy of the certificate of veterinary inspection with the statement saying they are free of clinical signs of sore mouth, foot rot and caseous lymphadenitis or the lamb will not be tagged. All lambs are required to have a certificate of veterinary inspection issued 30 days prior to shipment and/or ownership.14. For overall cleanliness and the safety of animals, all feed in tack areas must be in enclosed containers. 4-H, FFA & Grange Market Stock Sale Information
RULE 30: All exhibits entered in competition must be consigned for sale to the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show. All qualified exhibits must be sold in the auction ring. Each exhibitor must lead or drive his/her livestock through the Sale Ring. In the event of an emergency and only with prior approval by Board of Directors discretion will an exception be made. Any exhibitor’s animal not in the sale line-up at time will be sold at floor price and awards will be withheld. No exhibits may be advertised for sale.
RULE 31: Only those beef, swine, and lambs making classification shall be qualified to be listed and sold in the Sale. All animals listed in the Sale must comply with weight requirements. No white ribbon market animals will be eligible for the sale.
RULE 32: TERMS OF THE SALE SHALL BE CASH, CHECK OR DEBIT/CREDIT CARD. Purchasers shall make arrangements for payment with the Show office before leaving. Payment on sale day is highly acceptable. All purchasers will be asked for identification upon obtaining a buyer’s card. The purchaser will be responsible for paying for those animals he/she buys. Add-ons accepted for only 5 days after the sale. Add ons are acceptd online with online payment at cbjls.org. Add on or payment questions please contact Lauren Booker-Smith via phone (509) 989-9788 or email cbjlshow@gmail.com
RULE 33: Any animals disqualified from showing will also be disqualified from the sale.
RULE 34: Every effort will be made to list livestock on the sale sheet and sell in order to their respective placing in the Market Show Ring. RULE 35: Steers will be given a shrink of 3%. Swine and Sheep will not be shrunk. Time of weighing and order classes are listed in the official program. RULE 36: Premium awards will be made to exhibitors based on points earned in each ribbon group. That value times the total points earned will be the amount of premium money awarded. Round Robin 50, Grand 40, Reserve 25, Yellow 12, Blue 10, Red 8, and White 6.
RULE 37: All steers sold at the Market Stock Sale must go to Tyson slaughterhouse for carcass evaluation and grading.
RULE 38: There will be no special announcements for advertising during the show: i.e. non-profit organizations, orphanages, etc.
RULE 39: It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to have someone on the show grounds willing to take care of your animal if you leave the grounds. If we have a problem with your animal, you will be notified. You will be required to return to the show grounds to take care of the problem or have your designated person on the grounds take care of it for you. RULE 40: No political affiliations, letters shaved into animas, or special decorations of animals allowed during the show or market stock sale.
Educational Display: Educational displays are required for each individual, club or chapter in each livestock area. Exhibits shall be educational or informational in nature and feature some aspect of the livestock industry. Flowers and decorations are encouraged. Exhibits must be set up by 1:00 pm on Wednesday and are to be removed at the end of the show.
Showmanship: All exhibitors are required to compete in showmanship. All training and preparation of the animals, both prior and during the show, is to be done by the contestant. Each contestant must show his/her own animal.
RULE 2: All entries are accepted with understanding that neither the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show organization, nor the sponsors, nor their officers, shall be held responsible for any damages or loss that may arise. If any animal is condemned by the packer, the loss will be borne by the exhibitor. All veterinary expenses incurred are the responsibility of the exhibitor. Brand fees will be passed onto exhibitor and fee will be taken from the sale check.
RULE 3: The livestock committee and management reserves the right to reject or remove any entry for reason deemed sufficient. Animal must be healthy and free of illness. Animals must be bathed and reasonably clean upon arrival at the show. Show officials also have the right to perform random drug testing of the livestock.
RULE 4: Entries are open to any regularly enrolled FFA, 4-H and Grange Club member in good standing, i.e. academic requirements, participation requirements, prior discipline problems, etc…
¨ Members of the FFA must be regularly enrolled in livestock project work with the State Supervisor of Agricultural Education and livestock must be owned by established ownership dates.
¨ Members of 4-H Clubs must be regularly enrolled in livestock project, be a member in good standing according to the Washington State 4-H Policy & Procedure Handbook, and livestock must be owned by established ownership dates.
¨ Members of Grange Clubs must be regularly enrolled in livestock project, be a member in good standing according to the Washington State Grange Program, and livestock must be owned by established ownership dates.
RULE 5: To be eligible to compete in the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show you must be currently enrolled in 4-H in the participating counties and shall terminate after the exhibitor has reached the maximum age of 19 years old as of 10/1 the previous year.
Those exhibiting as an FFA member must have completed an approved agricultural education course and are members of a chartered FFA chapter under the supervision of an FFA advisor. Those exhibiting for Grange must be members of a Grange within the county boundries and in good standing.
RULE 6: Exhibitors particiapting in CBJLS must reside in Franklin, Benton, or Adams counties or within the boundaries of the Columbia (Burbank) School District in Walla Walla county.
RULE 7: Only one animal per exhibitor will be eligible to show and sell. The exhibitor is required to show/sell his or her own animal. Extenuating circumstances must be approved by their respective barn superintendent and be within the boundaries of our policy and within the non-discrimination clause. This does include youth with broken bones, wheel chair bound, etc.
RULE 8: Any animal, which has been exhibited in any show and purchased from said show, shall be ineligible to compete in the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show.
RULE 9: All exhibitors attending the Show must be under the direction of a FFA Advisor, 4-H Club or Grange Leader. Those exhibitors that are participants in the Show must be under the immediate supervision of a responsible adult. Curfew is at 11:00 p.m.
RULE 10: Each exhibitor must take care of and exhibit his own animal unless excused by the barn superintendent for reasons that are deemed sufficient. The exhibitor will be responsible for the care and cleanliness of the pens, stalls & tack area, feeding & watering of his/her animal in a timely manner or he/she will not be allowed in the sale. All animals must be clean on arrival. He/she must also prepare his animal for use in the livestock judging contest on request of the contest superintendent, or forfeit his/her entries and all rights and privileges of the show. The exhibitor must obtain a stall card from the show office at time of registration and the card must be properly filled out and tacked up by the stall or pen. Sheep and swine exhibitors will furnish their own kick boards. Kick boards and pens sizes are 58.5″ square for lambs; 5′ x 4′ x 4′ high for swine with a kickboard length of 44″. Every club or chapter exhibit must be identified with a banner or sign. All tack areas must have a club or chapter name visibly posted. All stalls, tack area, bedding, etc., must be removed, or all premium money will be withheld. LEAVE IT BETTER THAN YOU FOUND IT.
RULE 11: Superintendents shall have authority over all matters within their respective departments, subject to Board approval. Any protest must be made in writing and presented to the Executive Board and Department of Superintendents of the show within twelve (12) hours after the occurrence of the incident. The Board rulings shall in all cases be final.
RULE 12: THERE WILL BE NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON THE GROUNDS. Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show is on North Franklin School District Property, which prohibits possession and use of alcoholic beverages, drugs, marijuana, marijuana products, electronic cigarettes or alcohol at any 4-H related event including youth. The WSU Extension 4-H Youth Development Program strictly enforces State of Washington laws regarding alcohol and does not tolerate the illegal use, possession or sale of intoxicating beverages, minors in possession, furnishing alcohol to minors, possession of open containers, driving under the influence, and exhibiting unruly or intoxicated behavior. In addition, the program policy does not permit any form of advertising of tobacco, marijuana, or spirit or beer products, including clothing, at any 4-H related event involving youth.
RULE 13: Any FFA, 4-H or Grange member, parent or supervising adult guilty of misconduct, i.e., destruction of property, boisterous conduct, profane language, etc…, may have his/her stock withdrawn from the show/sale and both sent home. Members of the judging teams and other members of the FFA, Grange or 4-H clubs visiting the show, upon misconduct, may disqualify their team from any winnings or placing which they may receive; also, such members will be sent home.
RULE 14: State Health Requirements: Washington livestock require no vaccinations or tests for entry. Individual Veterinarian health certificates are not required for entry with the exception of all species purchased out of state; please see each species rules in regards to this. The Show Veterinarian will inspect all livestock for symptoms of infections, contagious and communicable disease and will reject unhealthy animals from entry. Any animal may be removed from the Show at any given time by Show Veterinarian or Superintendent at the expense of the exhibitor. No animals from any quarantined area or premises will be permitted to enter the show. A veterinarian will be at the show in accordance with state regulations.
RULE 15: Facilities at the show will be open to receive livestock on September 9th; swine at 1:00-6:00pm, sheep at 3:30-6:00pm, beef at 5:00-7:00pm. All exhibits must be on the grounds no later than their said times. THERE WILL BE NO RE-WEIGHS OF ANY SPECIES OF ANIMALS. ANIMALS WILL BE WEIGHED OFF THE TRUCK.
RULE 16: A 5% charge will be made on the gross sales and any additional add-ons of all livestock sold to help defray the expenses of the Show.
RULE 17: Shavings will be furnished by the Show, for all livestock shown. Use what is needed, but do not waste it.
RULE 18: No skateboards, scooters, bikes, personal golf carts, 4-wheelers, ATVs are allowed on the grounds.
RULE 19: Selection of Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion will take place in the show arena. The sale order will be Swine, Sheep, Beef. In the following years, the order will alternate with the first going to last and the second becoming the first in order.
RULE 20: Classifications of market lambs, swine, and steers will be done by weight.
RULE 21: All exhibitors must register for BOTH Market and Showmanship classes. Non-participants will constitute loss of all registration fees, awards and sale privileges. Exhibitors must Fit & Show their own animal as well as walk their animal through the sale ring in order to receive premium & sale commissions.
RULE 22: Exhibitors will be allowed to tag two (2) animals of the same species; but show and sell only one (1) animal total. One animal must be registered in an individual exhibitor’s name. A second animal can be registered in an individual’s name or as a family alternate animal, listing it on each entry form of each family member. There will be no substitutions, only animals registered/tagged for Columbia Basin Junior Livestock show will be eligible.
RULE 23: Once an animal has been sold and turned, the animal will be shipped to the packer. Any deductions or premiums received from the packers will be passed along to the exhibitor. Any fees assessed during brand inspection will be passed along to exhibitor.
RULE 24: Money from the sale of any animal, resold as a memorial or benefit, shall revert back to the Livestock Show Fund.
RULE 25: An appropriate dress code will be adhered to throughout the Show. Acceptable attire must be worn into the ring while showing your animal.
4-H: Clean clothes, face washed, hair combed, no open toed shoes, no tank tops or shorts.FFA: Official dress including black pants, white collared shirt with scarf or tie, FFA jacket and appropriate shoes.GRANGE: Clean clothes, face washed, hair combed, appropriate closed toe shoes, Grange emblem shall be worn on the left chest or on the right sleeve. RULE 26: All payments will be made payable only to the REGISTERED EXIBITOR listed on their entry form. Checks will not be made payable to parents. If a loan was taken out with FSA, they will be listed as a co-payee on the check. Checks must be cashed within 60 days after issue. Checks will be reissued with assessed feeds up until September 1st of the next show year. Any checks not cashed will be donated back to the CBJLS organization.
Steer Division – Ownership of animal is March 1st
1. Exhibitors will be allowed to tag two (2) steers at the designated Spring Weigh In/Tag Day. Suggested maximum weight at the Spring Weigh In/Tag Day is 950 lbs.2. At time of show, steers weighing less than 1,150 pounds scale weight will not be allowed to compete. Exhibitors will be only allowed to show one steer. No heifers, stags or bulls will be allowed. No horn growth over 2” will be allowed.3. Each steer must be accompanied by a certificate of Permit-Haul slip.4. If purchased, each steer must be accompanied by a brand inspection certificate OR a signed and dated bill of sale showing transfer of ownership from breeder to exhibitor. If raised by the exhibitor, each steer must be accompanied by (1) Haul Slip. 5. On weigh-in day, each steer must be accompanied with completed Tyson Supplier paperwork, found on our website under “Forms”.6. No steer will be allowed in the show that did not attend the designated weigh-in day and was not tagged that day. We will accept steers with a Benton-Franklin tag in it.7. Each steer must be tied with a neck rope in addition to a halter.8. Market classes will be determined by weight and numbers, not by height. Order will be posted by the Superintendent.9. Steers will be shrunk 3% as they are weighed off the truck. Any steer that is unloaded prior to weigh-in time will be shrunk an additional 5%.10. Each exhibitor will be required to pay a branding fee of $5.00 of which is included in their exhibitor entry fee.11. Display structures must be provided by exhibitor. No displays or tack areas are allowed to be removed until Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m.12. Grooming stations needs to be identified.13. If you purchased an out of state steer, you must have a Veterinarian Inspection Report and show it on tag day.14. Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a required certification for all beef exhibitors. Swine Division – Ownership of animal is June 1st
1. Before entering, refer to the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Rules & Regulations.2. Hogs should remain home for tagging, but you must come to Tag Day to pick up tags and fill out our form. 3. Registration form must include a 15 digit 840 number, an origination number from the breeder. Also, if you purchased your hog from out of state, you will need to turn in a certificate of veterinary inspection stating that your swine does not have, nor has it been exposed to the PED virus. This is required to be turned in on Tag Day.4. Tags need to be put in the pigs ear ASAP. Random ear tag verification farm visits will go into effect following tag day.5. It is preferable to put the tag in the right ear of the hog. Tags should be applied in the middle third of the ear between the upper and lower ribs. It is important to apply the tag with the visual panel (male portion) of the tag on the outside back of the ear with the button (female portion) of the tag on the inside of the ear.6. Exhibitors may tag two (2) pigs per exhibitor, but they are limited to show only one (1) swine. Exhibitors are required to show/sell one of the hogs they tagged. No swapping of hogs will be allowed. If you lose a tag, please contact one of us in the Swine Department RIGHT AWAY!7. Pen sizes are 5′ deep x 4′ wide x 4′ high and 44″ wide for kickboards. Display structures must be provided by exhibitor. All displays must be completed by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. – before weighing in your hog.8. Swine will be weighed once off the truck. The scale weight will be the sale weight. There will be no pencil shrink on swine.9. Swine must weight at least 235 pounds with a maximum of 295 pounds.10. At weigh-in, exhibitor must have a completed Health record for their hog. 11. Hogs may only have the ears and tails shaved. If hogs are found to be body shaved, or oiled upon arrival of the show, they will be sent home immediately. Hair must be a minimum of 3/4 inch hair long. No electrical cords in the barn.12. At the discretion of the Management, any hog will be disqualified from the show if it shows evidence of pigginess, scars, hernia, foul sheath, sores or bruises, and any blemish that seriously impairs the carcass. No boars will be permitted in the show.13. For overall cleanliness and the safety of animals, all feed in tack areas must be in enclosed containers or sacks.14. No displays or tack areas are allowed to be removed until Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. Pens must be cleaned out completely including tipping them up to sweep up the shavings underneath them. Lamb Division – Ownership of Lamb is June 1st
1. Lambs to be exhibited must have been born after January 1 of this year to be eligible to compete. Rams will be disqualified. No short scrotum lambs will be allowed to show.2. Exhibitors are limited to show and sell one (1) market lamb.3. Lambs must weigh at least 110 pounds with a maximum of 160 pounds.4. Lambs are required to be slick shorn and must be shorn within 10 days of the show. Animals can be refused or demoted in Market and Showmanship class as deemed appropriate.5. Lambs must be tagged on designated tag day. NO EXCEPTIONS. Exhibitors may tag two (2) lambs. There will be no pencil shrink at the time of show weigh-in.6. Lambs are allowed to be fully washed at the show.7. Lamb’s breeder name, address and signature are required on the submitted Health Record. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to provide this information at the time of weigh-in.8. ALL LAMBS must have a scrapies ear tag or tattoo. All breeders’ information must include a USDA Scrapies Flock number.9. We recommend two (2) vertebras on the lamb’s tail length to help prevent prolapse. Animal health is of the utmost importance and the packer has the right to refuse the animal, if this happens, the exhibitor will get sale proceeds minus the floor price.10. Display structures must be provided by exhibitor. Pen sizes are 58.5" square, exhibitor must supply kick boards for all sides.11. No displays or tack areas are allowed to be removed until Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. Tear down of pens is 6:00-8:00 a.m.12. Exhibitors are required to bring their own grooming stands. No grooming stands are provided by CBJLS. Grooming stations need to be identified.13. If tagging an out of state lamb, the exhibitor must submit a copy of the certificate of veterinary inspection with the statement saying they are free of clinical signs of sore mouth, foot rot and caseous lymphadenitis or the lamb will not be tagged. All lambs are required to have a certificate of veterinary inspection issued 30 days prior to shipment and/or ownership.14. For overall cleanliness and the safety of animals, all feed in tack areas must be in enclosed containers. 4-H, FFA & Grange Market Stock Sale Information
RULE 30: All exhibits entered in competition must be consigned for sale to the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show. All qualified exhibits must be sold in the auction ring. Each exhibitor must lead or drive his/her livestock through the Sale Ring. In the event of an emergency and only with prior approval by Board of Directors discretion will an exception be made. Any exhibitor’s animal not in the sale line-up at time will be sold at floor price and awards will be withheld. No exhibits may be advertised for sale.
RULE 31: Only those beef, swine, and lambs making classification shall be qualified to be listed and sold in the Sale. All animals listed in the Sale must comply with weight requirements. No white ribbon market animals will be eligible for the sale.
RULE 32: TERMS OF THE SALE SHALL BE CASH, CHECK OR DEBIT/CREDIT CARD. Purchasers shall make arrangements for payment with the Show office before leaving. Payment on sale day is highly acceptable. All purchasers will be asked for identification upon obtaining a buyer’s card. The purchaser will be responsible for paying for those animals he/she buys. Add-ons accepted for only 5 days after the sale. Add ons are acceptd online with online payment at cbjls.org. Add on or payment questions please contact Lauren Booker-Smith via phone (509) 989-9788 or email cbjlshow@gmail.com
RULE 33: Any animals disqualified from showing will also be disqualified from the sale.
RULE 34: Every effort will be made to list livestock on the sale sheet and sell in order to their respective placing in the Market Show Ring. RULE 35: Steers will be given a shrink of 3%. Swine and Sheep will not be shrunk. Time of weighing and order classes are listed in the official program. RULE 36: Premium awards will be made to exhibitors based on points earned in each ribbon group. That value times the total points earned will be the amount of premium money awarded. Round Robin 50, Grand 40, Reserve 25, Yellow 12, Blue 10, Red 8, and White 6.
RULE 37: All steers sold at the Market Stock Sale must go to Tyson slaughterhouse for carcass evaluation and grading.
RULE 38: There will be no special announcements for advertising during the show: i.e. non-profit organizations, orphanages, etc.
RULE 39: It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to have someone on the show grounds willing to take care of your animal if you leave the grounds. If we have a problem with your animal, you will be notified. You will be required to return to the show grounds to take care of the problem or have your designated person on the grounds take care of it for you. RULE 40: No political affiliations, letters shaved into animas, or special decorations of animals allowed during the show or market stock sale.
Educational Display: Educational displays are required for each individual, club or chapter in each livestock area. Exhibits shall be educational or informational in nature and feature some aspect of the livestock industry. Flowers and decorations are encouraged. Exhibits must be set up by 1:00 pm on Wednesday and are to be removed at the end of the show.
Showmanship: All exhibitors are required to compete in showmanship. All training and preparation of the animals, both prior and during the show, is to be done by the contestant. Each contestant must show his/her own animal.